Buddy's Photo

About Buddy's Photo

Warren Cook


My self-description would be: an old-school (meat and potatoes) kind of a person.

I love photography. A technically correct photograph speaks to my soul and enlivens my consciousness.

My photography life started in high school as a yearbook photographer. We shot the pictures, developed the film, printed the pictures and sent them off to the publisher.

In a college photography class we had an assignment to make a ten-picture portfolio, mounted on art board, of things in natural light. That eight-week experience changed my life.

Now, as I go through my day I see things as photos. I see the framing, the lighting, how to set the camera and explore angle options that might be more effective. 

Late in my photography career I wanted to learn the art of headshots.  What’s to learn? It’s just taking a picture of a person.

What was to be two weeks of personal learning stretched into fourteen months. After thousands of self-portraits and using my friends and neighbors as ginny pigs, I had a true understanding of lighting, posing, how to produce a quality image and what equipment is need to get consistent, professional results.

My goal: Make images that convey the professional essence of every client. Why? Because with that conveyance, trust steps forward and the success they both seek comes into view.  

Buddy’s Photo exists to provide professional images that help others fill their needs and actualize their dreams.

Why do people settle for poor quality photos? Good enough is never good enough.

(Dread having your portrait taken? We’ll teach you how to get passed that – forever!)

Man With Gray Hair

Buddy's Photo

Your website’s breath of life.

A good reputation, a quality product, and excellent customer service are always in style. In our quick-paced, I-want-it-now society these time-tested characteristics still rule.

Buddy’s pledge:  Provide quality, professional headshots that invite others to benefit from your skill and professionalism.